Full Spectrum CBD vs. Broad Spectrum CBD vs. CBD Isolate

Knowing what CBD is is excellent, but understanding the difference between the three main types of CBD is a step further. In this article, we are going to explore the difference between the three major types of CBD. By knowing the difference between CBD isolate, full spectrum CBD, and broad spectrum CBD; you will be able to make an informed decision about the product that best suits your needs.

Full spectrum CBD

Full spectrum CBD is a whole plant product that contains everything that the hemp plant contains. This means that it has CBD, terpenes (the fatty acids found in the hemp plant), CBG, CBN, over 400 cannabinoids and 0.3% or less of THC. All these elements occur naturally in the hemp plant, and they all have essential therapeutic functions. Full spectrum CBD is, therefore, the most popular CBD product because of the ‘Entourage effect’, i.e. when all the elements of the hemp plant work together in synergy, they magnify the therapeutic effects of every individual element, therefore, making the benefits of using full spectrum CBD greater than using CBD only.

Broad spectrum CBD

Broad spectrum CBD contains CBD, terpenes, CBG, CBN, and over 400 trace cannabinoids, but it does not contain a trace of THC. It is just like full spectrum CBD without THC. To isolate and remove THC from broad spectrum CBD while preserving the other natural elements, manufacturers have to go through additional processes. For people who cannot have traces of THC in their CBD for persona, medical, or legal reasons, broad spectrum CBD is the best option.

CBD isolate

CBD isolate is just CBD isolated from over 400 cannabinoids present in the hemp plant. When CBD isolate is being processed, every compound in the hemp plant is removed, including THC, terpenes, waxes, chlorophyll, oil, etc. after manufacturing, the product is 99+% CBD, with 0%THC. Buying CBD isolate can be quite daunting. This is because there are products that have lower purity than others. It is therefore paramount to read every label before you buy any CBD isolate and purchase only the purest you can find.

Type of CBD CBD THC Other cannabinoids
Full spectrum CBD Yes Yes (0.3% or less) Yes
Broad spectrum CBD Yes No Yes
CBD isolate Yes No No

According to numerous studies, full spectrum CBD is the best type of CBD. However, every person who uses CBD hopes to get different results. It is therefore essential that you note the results you hope to achieve by using CBD before purchasing any CBD product. The labels can be quite confusing, especially if you do not understand the difference. Sometimes, it can even lead to problems with legal authorities. Always make sure that you read the label and understand what it means before you buy your CBD product.